"Sometimes I wonder about human psychology. If, in any other context, I saw a rainbow cat indicator addon, I would simply ignore it without a second thought. Now, I see one for my emacs mode line of all places, and suddenly I'm thinking "Awesome! I must install this."" - pyrocrastyLast weekend I've released a simple minor-mode for Emacs - Nyan Mode. It shows you your buffer position in the modeline with the help of Nyan Cat. It supports animations and wavy patterns.

"This has actually managed to settle the texteditor/ide wars here at work. The consensus is now emacs > vim > rubymine. Thanks!!!" - nimms
"Emacs continues to be relevant into 2011" - ewbourget
"Nyan-mode. It's things like this that make me proud to be an emacs user." - mitchellh
"Why emacs is better than vi" - prg
"Nyan buffer position indicator is almost enough to make me consider using emacs. Almost." - aloria
"IN YOUR FACE, VI!" - ieureI wasn't expecting to find this mode useful - I did it just for teh lulz. However, it turned out to be quite a nice indicator of buffer position, and thus I'm keeping it permanently enabled in my Emacs. I'm considering writing a more generalized minor-mode, that would allow users to install different graphics sets. There are lots of Nyan Cat conversions out there (e.g. the national ones) ;), and also some people might want to have a normal scrollbar. So, now that we have Nyan Cat for Emacs... Vi/Vim users, what's your answer? ;).